For batter:


0/0 steps made
  1. Mix the flour, cornflour, eggs, salt, white pepper, baking powder to make a batter.
  2. Dip the prawns in the batter and deep fry (in the shape of small balls).
For sauce:


0/0 steps made
  1. Cut the carrots and turnips in cubes.
  2. Cut the cauliflower into flowerettes.
  3. Hal fill a large pot with water and bring to a boil.
  4. Put the carrots, turnips, and cauliflower in the boiling water and cook till half done.
  5. Remove and put in cold water for a few minutes, then drain.
  6. Heat 1 cup of oil and stir fry all the vegetables for a minute.
  7. Add chicken stock, vinegar, sugar, and tomato ketchup. Stir and cook for a couple of minutes,
  8. In a small bowl, dilute the cornflour in water and add to the stock. Stir and cook for a minute.
  9. Add the remaining ½ cup of oil and fried prawns. Cook for a minute and remove from flame.



  • If the sauce is too sweet, add a little vinegar.
  • If the sauce is too sour, add a little sugar.